Clarity of reporting analysis
Portfolio appropriate benchmarks
Quantify return versus risk
Exclusions adherence
Deep experience and sophisticated analysis of investment portfolio performance metrics sets us apart from the competition
Investment Reports & Analytics
Interested to see how your portfolio is positioned versus appropriate benchmarks?
Is your investment provider delivering suitable returns for the risk they are taking with your assets?
Do you want to know the sustainable profile, or the ESG metrics of your portfolio?
Are you concerned about adherence to your restrictions, but struggle with the analysis?
Our investment analysts deliver portfolio-specific tailored reporting to private clients, structures, trustees, and charities. We use the real data from your portfolio, considering cash movements and comparing against the correct benchmarks and peer groups.
Choose a bespoke report, include multiple providers, and view your consolidated performance, or engage for a cost-effective, comprehensive report that covers all the bases for your single portfolio. Add in the sustainable profile of your investments, so you know what you hold.
Concentric employs intelligent technology to collate and analyse data at a strategic level from more than 350 investment management solutions, as well as reporting on in excess of 500 individual portfolios.
This accurate, powerful data informs our processes and assists with our investment manager selection services, both Strategic and Bespoke. We also work with third-party indices and maintain close relationships, giving us direct access to suitable comparison measures.
Deep experience and sophisticated analysis of investment portfolio performance metrics sets us apart from the competition.
Fund Analytics
Need to know how your fund selection is performing compared to appropriate benchmarks?
Wondering about your sustainable footprint and need analysis of the metrics?
Struggling to make sense of ethical/responsible/ESG funds in your investment committee?
What are the best performing funds out there, it’s a big universe?
Our research team delivers fund analysis via tailored reporting to intermediaries, pension trustees, schemes, and charities.
We maintain up to date sustainable investment research, to help you navigate the various offerings and understand the non-investment metrics.
We provide various solutions to suit the needs of the stakeholders, from light touch reports to full investment committee participation. If you need research but don’t have access to expensive systems, we can help.
Inexpensive peace of mind via prudent interpretation of data.
Bespoke – Investment Manager Selection Service
Need something a little different from the norm?
Want to meet your investment manager regularly and have someone help you ask the right questions, and then interpret the answers?
Is your portfolio suffering unduly from mandate constraints, as investment and tax environments have evolved?
Our Bespoke tailored consultancy service could be the solution that you need. We arrange traditional beauty parades that match you with one or more high-calibre discretionary investment managers to satisfy your specific objectives, providing you with relevant risk and performance metrics to help you choose.
We also engage with clients already invested with multiple managers, who want to keep their providers working at their best using our analysis to keep them on their toes.
Although excellence can be observed across the peer group, few investment managers demonstrate consistent expertise across all strategies and in all conditions. Our role is to ensure our investors get the very best from the decision to engage a manager and provide experienced oversight during the life of their portfolio.
Relevant analysis and oversight, so you can make informed choices in a bewildering landscape, with an experienced analyst at your side.
Expert Witness | Expert Analytics
Are you in litigation and need an experienced investment analyst to help you with your investment claim?
Do you need to know what you’ve lost in opportunity?
We act for private clients, structures, trustees, and charities in an expert witness capacity, to help investors understand where their journey should have taken them.
We provide sophisticated analysis, investment insight and deep experience of what’s expected within the investment management industry. We have many years experience of the issues facing trustees and tax-efficient structures and are in constant dialogue with the investment industry.